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Knowledge Resource Centre
Scholarly information plays a vital role in a Research and Development (R&D) institute. The Knowledge Resource Centre (Library) of CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT) IMMT facilitates the information needs of researchers in the institute. The Knowledge Resource Centre (Library) of IMMT has created a knowledge resource base of more than 31,900 volumes of Books and Bound Journals in the subject areas of Extractive Metallurgy, Materials Science, Mineral Processing, Geology, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Natural Products, Energy and Environment. Under CSIR-DST National Knowledge Resource Consortium, this centre provides online access to more than 4500 full-text Journals from about 15 leading publishers of S&T Journals, Web of Science database, ASTM & Bureau of Indian Standards. An e-learning centre is becoming a reality inside the library as per the future needs and demands.